The Old North Burying Ground dates to 1634 and the early establishment of the Town of Ipswich. Located on High Street, it holds the burials of many prominent citizens including settlers and individuals who developed the town, marked by artfully carved slate tablet markers or placed in private tombs. Lack of easy access to the burying ground, combined with its over 380-year age, have posed difficulties for maintenance crews and as a result, the mature trees, retaining walls, pathways and gravestones show signs of wear.
The Town of Ipswich hired Martha Lyon Landscape Architecture, LLC and Fannin-Lehner Preservation Consultants to develop a master plan for preserving this historic landscape. Included were assessments of all landscape features, phased recommendations for preservation treatment, and management plan. Highest on the list of treatment priorities were the removal of dying sugar maple trees, stabilization of private tombs, and re-surfacing of a central pathway.
The Town of Ipswich hired Martha Lyon Landscape Architecture, LLC and Fannin-Lehner Preservation Consultants to develop a master plan for preserving this historic landscape. Included were assessments of all landscape features, phased recommendations for preservation treatment, and management plan. Highest on the list of treatment priorities were the removal of dying sugar maple trees, stabilization of private tombs, and re-surfacing of a central pathway.